Find Similar Tickets
This action allows Neo to search for and identify tickets that are similar to the current ticket based on various criteria such as content, company, or contact.
How it Works?
Neo analyzes the current ticket to extract key information and characteristics.
Neo searches through the ticket database using advanced matching algorithms.
Neo returns a list of similar tickets, ranked by relevance and recency.
EfficiencyQuickly identifies related issues, potentially speeding up resolution time.
Knowledge UtilizationLeverages past solutions for current problems.
Pattern RecognitionHelps identify recurring issues across different clients or systems.
Neo uses a combination of natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze ticket content, including summaries, descriptions, and resolution notes. It also considers factors like the company, contact, affected systems, and ticket categories to determine similarity.
Yes, the Find Similar Tickets action allows for customization. You can specify whether to prioritize similarity based on content, company, contact, or a combination of these factors. You can also set thresholds for similarity scores and limit the search to specific time periods.
By default, Neo returns the top 10 most similar tickets. However, this number can be adjusted based on your preferences. You can set a minimum similarity threshold to ensure only highly relevant tickets are returned.
Yes, Neo takes into account the age of tickets. While older tickets can still be returned if they’re highly relevant, Neo generally prioritizes more recent tickets as they’re more likely to reflect current systems and processes.
Yes, Neo can search for similar tickets across your entire ticket database, including different clients or companies. This can be particularly useful for identifying common issues that affect multiple clients. However, you can also restrict the search to within a specific company if needed.
Neo is designed to respect data privacy and security protocols. It does not expose sensitive information from one ticket to another. When presenting similar tickets, it provides general information and similarity scores without revealing confidential details.