Neoagent Copilot AI for MSPs: Onboarding New Customers and Increasing Profit Margins

neoagent copilot ai

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • What is Neoagent Copilot AI?
  • Benefits of using Neoagent Copilot AI for MSPs
  • How Neoagent Copilot AI Empowers MSPs
  •  Featured Customer Spotlight
  • How to Get Started with Neoagent CoPilot AI
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Welcome to the world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs). In today’s digital age, MSPs play a critical role in providing information technology services to businesses. They offer services ranging from IT consulting, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and more. But, providing excellent customer service is the most crucial aspect of MSPs. Your clients expect swift issue resolution, a proactive approach to problem-solving, and top-notch communication. Without these characteristics, you risk losing clients to competitors who value customer service. This is where Neoagent Copilot AI comes in handy. It empowers your MSPs with AI-driven assistant to help your IT service desk handle a wide range of tickets, navigate through existing tickets and runbooks, and deliver exceptional service to your clients. With Neoagent Copilot AI, your MSPs can automate tasks, improve customer service, maximise profitability whilst offering service to more customers, greatly reduce workload and operational costs.

What is Neoagent Copilot AI?

If you’re a managed-service provider (MSP), you know that customer satisfaction is key to business success. That’s where Neoagent Copilot AI comes in. It’s an AI-driven assistant that works alongside IT service teams to provide unparalleled support. But what sets it apart is how it seamlessly integrates with popular ITSM tools. With Neoagent Copilot AI, IT tasks can be automated, leading to faster resolution times and lower operational costs. Its real-time access to ticket information allows for quick and accurate responses, improving customer satisfaction. And with its ability to act as a second brain for customer service engineers, MSPs can increase their mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR) while maximizing profitability. But it doesn’t end there. Neoagent Copilot AI also helps MSPs onboard new customers more easily, with swift navigation through existing tickets and runbooks. Plus, it enables MSPs to serve more customers, reducing team workload using AI. In short, Neoagent Copilot AI empowers MSPs to deliver unparalleled service to their clients. And with its user-friendly interface and seamless integration, it’s an easy tool to get started with. Signup for a demo on the Neoagent website today and experience the benefits for yourself.

Benefits of using Neoagent Copilot AI for MSPs

Say goodbye to clunky workflows and hello to seamless integration with popular ITSM tools. With Neo, your service desk will have real-time access to ticket information, allowing for accurate and intelligent responses to customer inquiries. Onboarding new customers has never been easier, thanks to Neo’s ability to generate human-like resolutions for your tickets. But the benefits don’t stop there. Neo acts as a second brain for your customer service engineers, swiftly navigating through existing tickets and runbooks to equip your team with the knowledge and insights needed to deliver exceptional service to your clients. And with Neo by your side, you can increase mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR), serve more customers, and reduce operational costs. Don’t just take our word for it, see what other leading MSPs are saying about their experience with Neo. Simply sign up for a demo on the Neoagent website and start empowering your managed service desk today. Upload your client runbooks to make Neo even better when dealing with specific clients and watch as Neo generates intelligent responses in real-time. With Neoagent Copilot AI, the possibilities are endless. Say goodbye to information overload and hello to increased profitability. Sign up for your demo today and make Neo your organization’s second brain.

How Neoagent Copilot AI Empowers MSPs

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Neoagent Copilot AI is the solution that empowers MSPs to take their customer service to the next level. By providing unparalleled support, Neoagent Copilot AI acts as an AI-driven assistant that provides swift navigation through existing tickets and runbooks. Neoagent Copilot AI works as a second brain for customer service engineers, providing accurate and intelligent responses to customers’ queries. With access to real-time ticket information, Neoagent Copilot AI helps MSPs reduce their mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR) and enables them to serve more customers. With Neoagent Copilot AI automating IT tasks, MSPs can reduce team workload and maximize profitability. By reducing operational costs, Neoagent Copilot AI enables MSPs to invest in growth while delivering impressive resolution times. Neoagent Copilot AI seamlessly integrates with popular ITSM tools, making it easy for MSPs to get started. With an ability to onboard new customers with ease, MSPs can upload their client runbooks so that Neoagent Copilot AI becomes even better when dealing with specific clients. In conclusion, Neoagent Copilot AI is the AI solution that MSPs need to improve their customer service, maximize profitability, and reduce their operational costs. Signup now to get started with a demo on the Neoagent website!

Featured Customer Spotlight

Featured Customer Spotlight: Hear it from the horses’ mouth – other MSPs are singing Neoagent Copilot AI’s praises. Real-life success stories speak for themselves, and the positive impact on profitability, customer service, and workload reduction has cemented Neo’s position as the go-to AI-driven assistant for service desk operations. Other leading MSPs have onboarded new customers with ease, increased their MTTR, and delivered impressive resolution times – all thanks to Neoagent Copilot AI. Signup for a demo today and see for yourself! 

How to Get Started with Neoagent Copilot AI

Once you are convinced that Neoagent Copilot AI is the best solution for your MSP, getting started is easy. Simply sign up for a demo on the Neoagent website and our team will guide you through the process. With seamless integration with your existing ITSM tools, you won’t have to make any changes to the way you work. To further enhance your experience, Neoagent will ingest all your client runbooks, which will power Neoagent with all the knowledge of all your customers and generate custom human-like resolutions for your tickets. This will not only improve the accuracy of the responses but also reduce your team’s workload significantly. The demo will also give you the opportunity to explore Neoagent’s real-time access to ticket information and the benefits of its intelligent responses. With Neoagent Copilot AI, onboarding new customers and increasing profit margins has never been easier. With Neoagent, you can serve more customers, with more capacity at a much lower cost.


To sum up, using Neoagent Copilot AI empowers MSPs to automate IT tasks, improve customer service, reduce workload, and increase profitability. It provides real-time access to ticket information, acts as a second brain for customer service engineers, and enables MSPs to serve more customers with accurate and intelligent responses and faster mean-time-to-resolution. To experience these benefits, sign up for a demo on the Neoagent website and seamlessly integrate it with your existing ITSM tools. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your service desk operations to the next level with Neoagent Copilot AI.


Q1: What is Neoagent Copilot AI and how does it benefit MSPs? 

A1: Neoagent Copilot AI is an advanced artificial intelligence platform designed specifically for managed service providers (MSPs). It benefits MSPs by automating and streamlining various tasks, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing overall service delivery at a simple price plan

Q2: How does Neoagent Copilot AI help with customer service and reducing workload for MSPs? 

A2: Neoagent Copilot AI plays a crucial role in customer service by automating routine tasks, providing instant responses to common inquiries, and even resolving basic issues without human intervention. By handling these tasks, it reduces the workload for MSPs, allowing them to focus on more critical and complex customer needs.

Q3: Can Neoagent Copilot AI integrate with existing ITSM tools? 

A3: Yes, Neoagent Copilot AI is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing IT Service Management (ITSM) tools. It can integrate with ticketing systems, knowledge bases, and other ITSM tools, enabling a smooth workflow and enhancing the overall efficiency of MSP operations.

Q4: How does Neoagent Copilot AI assist with onboarding new customers for MSPs? 

A4: Neoagent Copilot AI simplifies and expedites the onboarding process for new customers by automating several tasks. It can guide customers through self-service portals, assist with account setup, and provide relevant documentation or resources, thereby ensuring a smooth and efficient onboarding experience.

Q5: Can MSPs customize Neoagent Copilot AI for specific clients? 

A5: Yes, MSPs have the ability to customize Neoagent Copilot AI to suit the specific requirements of their clients. They can tailor the AI’s responses, workflows, and knowledge base to align with the unique needs and preferences of individual clients, thereby providing a more personalized and tailored customer experience.

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